Downscaling of IPCC scenarios via high-resolution Numerical Weather Prediction models
High resolution dynamical downscaling to convection permitting resolution is exploited to explore the effect of climate change on extreme convective events. To this end, the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model has been exploited to downscale different simulations of the Consortium for Small scale Modeling (COSMO) model forced by the RCP4.5 e RCP8.5 ICPP scenarios. High resolution simulations have covered North-West Italy with a resolution of 1 km to study the future trend of convergence lines that often form on the Ligurian Sea and that represent a major source of hydro-geological risk in the considered area. Triggering, evolution and localization of convergence lines are regulated by complex thermodynamic interactions between land and sea, thus being extremely sensitive to climate change
Andrea Mazzino, Francesco